We're the Stern Family - Trent, Angella, Piper and Lucille. These are our stories..

Monday, March 15, 2010

Dude, Where'd Our Sweet Girls Go?

You may have thought Piper and Lucille just turned Six and Five, but they fooled you!
They're really Sixteen and Fifteen!!!
Overnight they have developed Wicked Eye Rolling and AT-TI-TUDE!

Me "Piper honey, please don't walk in the mud".
Piper "I Don't Care". Then tramps right through the muck!
Me "Don't give me back talk".
Piper - Wicked Eye Roll
Me "Don't you roll your eyes at me".
Piper "I Didn't - Gosh!"

Trent "Lucy, please put your shoes on".
Lucy "Dude!" Then as she puts on her shoes, she gives Trent 'The Look', like "Da Dumb Ass".

So now Trent and I are all "Dude, are going to put the next load of laundry in the washer"?
"Well, Da"
"What Ever"
"I Don't Care"

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