We're the Stern Family - Trent, Angella, Piper and Lucille. These are our stories..

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Road Trip - Des Moines

We have returned from our Annual Girl Trip to Des Moines Iowa.
To read about our previous trip, click here.

Kids easing into their morning with the Disney Channel.
Piper 6, Spencer 1 1/2, Lucille 5

Carrie thought the parking lot at the Science Center full
of minivans was quite funny - go figure.

Piper and Uncle Chris having fun with hand and face impressions.

Spencer building a tower.

Chris and Spencer checking out snakes.

Lucille fallowing in her father's footsteps.

Piper doing the weather in her Southern Bell voice.

Spencer LOVED the trains!

I think all the activity wore the little guy out!
Snuggles time.

Uncle Chris set up a movie theatre featuring Flight of the Navigator
and played the concession guy, usher, and janitor for us.
We always stop in Albert Lea on the way home for a visit
with Great Grandma Stern and Great Aunt Lois at
Trumbles Restaurant.

Awe...this is my kind of road trip...

Friday, March 19, 2010

Life is Good

Life is good for several reasons...
~ The snow has melted and my tulips are starting to grow.
~ Lucille and Piper had ice cream for breakfast this morning!
~ Trent is a great kisser!
~ We have wonderful friends and great people in our lives.
~ Our parents and grandmas are healthy.
~ Old Dutch makes Dill Pickle potato chips - oh yea baby!

Monday, March 15, 2010

Dude, Where'd Our Sweet Girls Go?

You may have thought Piper and Lucille just turned Six and Five, but they fooled you!
They're really Sixteen and Fifteen!!!
Overnight they have developed Wicked Eye Rolling and AT-TI-TUDE!

Me "Piper honey, please don't walk in the mud".
Piper "I Don't Care". Then tramps right through the muck!
Me "Don't give me back talk".
Piper - Wicked Eye Roll
Me "Don't you roll your eyes at me".
Piper "I Didn't - Gosh!"

Trent "Lucy, please put your shoes on".
Lucy "Dude!" Then as she puts on her shoes, she gives Trent 'The Look', like "Da Dumb Ass".

So now Trent and I are all "Dude, are going to put the next load of laundry in the washer"?
"Well, Da"
"What Ever"
"I Don't Care"

Tuesday, March 2, 2010