We're the Stern Family - Trent, Angella, Piper and Lucille. These are our stories..

Saturday, February 28, 2009

Am I Four Yet?

Good morning Lucille~Guess what?!?
Yes, you are finally four years old today!!!!!!

My sweet little baby is four...Lucille Susanne Stern, February 28, 2005, 2:47pm, 7lbs 12oz, 21"

Piper was only six months old when we discovered a new addition to the family was on the way. We were quite surprised, considering I thought I had some strange summer time flu! Needless to say, we were very excited - yeah - we're going to have another girl...sisters. Our sweet little family - growing together, teaching each other, passing on old and creating new traditions, taking family vacations, our dreams were endless.
Although I was familiar with pregnancy, labor and delivery, feedings, sleepless nights, etc. I wasn't prepared for the fact that the sheer weight of my love for you would reduce me to tears on a daily basis. I didn't know that it would seem like a new place had been created inside of me, just to hold this indescribable love.
As a newborn your favorite place to sleep was resting on my shoulder, kicked back in the old recliner. Which was kinda funny, because the recliner was the only place I could get any sleep while I was pregnant with you. I remember after a late night feeding, I was watching you sleep on my shoulder and thinking about how I loved your father so much and thought I could never feel a love as deep as the love I felt for him. When Piper came into our lives I felt a whole new kind of love. And now here in my arms is another precious miracle and God has shown me yet another kind of incredible love".
A mother's love is one of God's most special gifts. We know the gift is beautiful and amazing, but until we get the chance to open it up and try it on, we have no idea just how magnificent it truly is.

Lucille, are such a sweet, curious, spunky, smart, beautiful little girl!

You are filled with joyous liveliness and determination.

Morning snuggles with you and tickling your back (not your sides because that makes you giggle!) is you if the best way to start the day!

I love watching you play school and mommy with all of your kids and babies, you are so caring and thoughtful - it just makes my heart melt.

Thank you for taking this journey with me. You teach me so much about life, spirit, and love. They say having children gives meaning to life. It is true. Becoming a mom has opened my eyes to who am I, where I am going, and what's really important.

I love you Lucy, all the way to the moon...and back.

Love always,

There are only two lasting bequests we can hope to give our children. One of these is roots; the other, wings.- Hodding Carter II

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Road Trip

The girls and I took road trip to Des Moines over the weekend to see the my sister, brother-in-law and 6 month old nephew.
We had a great time on the road singing songs, playing rhyming games, listening to books on audio, coloring, and watching movies.

While in Iowa, we spent a lot of time kissing, hugging and playing with baby Spencer!!! In between all the kissing, hugging and playing, we visited the Botanical Center, had an indoor picnic, shopped at a nearby mall, rode on a carousal and played games - phew!

On the way back home Sunday, we stopped in Albert Lea and had lunch with Great Grandma Stern and Lois. It was a great visit and the girls love it when grandma sings Horsey Keep Your Tail Up to them :-)

To top off the weekend- the most amazing thing happened. That afternoon while Piper and Trent were watching golf and chewing bubble gum - Piper blew her very first bubble gum bubble!!!!!!

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Many Ducks (like that Renae?)

We have discovered a great trail on the Minnesota River here in Shakopee. About three weeks ago we went to the "Helicopter Park" as the girls call it. It's actually Veterans' Memorial Park in Shakopee next to the Chamber of Commerce and Dangerfields on Highway 101, but I like Helicopter Park better. This little spot is home to hundreds of ducks and geese. On this particular day, there was a guy out there with a 5 gallon bucket of corn feed letting all the kids feed the birds. It was a blast and we have been back every weekend since. On our last adventure the girls invited their friend Ellie. They had a great time feeding ducks, climbing trees, racing down the trail, and looking for "bear tracks"...and I peed in the woods...ah nothing like getting back to nature!

Friday, February 13, 2009

Princess Stories IV

I have finally started organizing the baby books, photo albums, and journals for the girls and came across the following list of word the girls used to say when they were just little babes~
Shooey = Lucy
Bungdee = Bunny
Holg me = Hold Me
Cortcake = Strawberry Shortcake

Pie Pear = Piper
Dibble = Tripper (our cat)
Skabetee = Spaghetti
and a cute little saying "I have too many hands" = My hands are full
I also came across this entry in one of their journals~
May 2006 - Target Shopping Trip
Piper 2 years old, Lucille 1 year old
On this particular trip I needed to visit the "feminine" isle.
I thought I was just going to grab what I needed and keep on going, but who would have thought there would be so many new choices!?! As I am looking around oohing and awing, I hear the little girls just giggling away. I rock the cart back and forth and say "you guys are being so good - thank you". Another minute passes and they are now belly laughing and Piper says "Mommy Stickers!". I turned around to find the girls completely covered in Maxi Pads! I started laughing hysterically. Then I looked down the isle and there in the blood pressure chair is a little old man who had witnessed the whole thing laughing his pants off!

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Maybe not Gumdrops, but definately Rainbows

After several months of temperatures lingering below freezing and many days well below zero, we were blessed with a weekend in the 40's!!! Saturday morning we wasted no time getting to the sledding hill. The hill was in perfect sledding condition and sparkled like diamonds in the suns rays. Standing at the top watching the girls, I was thinking to myself "this is so fun, I wish I had a camera and my sunglasses, boy it is really sunny, and the snow is so sparkly and I really wish I had some sunglasses, and...".
Just then, Piper hollered from the bottom of the hill "Mama! Quick! Come here!". Thinking she was injured, or even worse...she could have snow in her face-oh no, I ran to the bottom to rescue her.
She is all smiles and says with overflowing excitement "Mom! Lay on my sled with your head this way".
"Okay", I laid down on the sled with my head just so.
"Now Mom, look way up in the sky and see the rainbow"!!!
I'm thinking, "Oh cute, we're pretending there are rainbows - I love rainbows - this is super cute!"
I looked up into the bright clear blue sky just as she instructed, and there it was! In the the middle of the vast blue sky was the most brilliant rainbow ever!! I laid there with tears streaming down my cheeks.
"Do you see it mama"?
"Yes sweetie, I really see it"!
I laid there with tears of pure joy because if not for this beautiful, bright eyed, little girl, I would have missed the secret rainbow in the sky.
"Thank Piper", I whispered.